If Hxh characters were in Star Wars, which ones would you have take on these eight character roles?
Just for fun, as the title says, out of all the characters from HxH who do you feel would fit these eight roles from Star Wars the best?
Anakin Skywalker: Gon
Obi Wan: Kite (I was debating on Killua and Kite here)
Qui Gon Jinn: Ging
Yoda: Netero
Ahsoka: Alluka
Dooku: Zeno
Darth Maul: Hisoka
Palpatine: Chrollo
Whomever you pick to take on Anakin's role ends up becoming Darth Vader
None of the characters are related. So Ging for example isn't Gon's dad in this little HxH x Star Wars scenario