Completed yesterday, new neighbour reckons he owns our parking space.

As title, we have two allocated parking spaces directly behind our fence. It’s in the deeds that we own the land, and we can fit two cars there.

First thing our new neighbour said was about sorting out the parking. We asked what he meant and he said we are parked over a bit towards his space. I said oh that’s what’s on our deeds. He said that the neighbour on his side (two doors from us) has lived there for many years, and that actually only one space is ours and another is 200 metres down the road next to some garage. No such space or garage exists on our deeds.

Previous to us the person living there had no cars so they could park there as they please. Aside from telling him it’s ours and stop complaining, if he starts parking on our space what are my options? Thanks.

Update 1 (2/3/25 19:50): So arrived at the property today to find him parked over into our space, so those of you saying he won’t, well.. ! The neighbour two doors down had pre-printed his deed after a chat with our neighbour. Doesn’t really prove anything because it’s next door claiming our land not him. But he’s certainly siding with his existing neighbour. I’ve told him I will check with our solicitor. But I will say this whole issue can be resolved by the person a few spaces along moving over about 10 inches and we can all shuffle along. But will that happen? No.