Dragon Personality Quiz
Hi! I hope this doesn't count as self-promotion, it's just a quiz that I came up with that I thought members of the community might enjoy.
I've always enjoyed personality quizzes, but long noticed that while there are plenty for ASOIAF-universe human characters or houses, there weren't basically anything for the dragons, who have personalities and traits of their own.
So I made one, accurate through Season 2 of House of the Dragon, of which dragon you are (or would claim, up to you how you want it to apply for you). Sizes, colors, etc. are show-accurate, not book-accurate, where there are discrepancies, and I did try to include all of the dragons shown so far, and there are only seven questions to avoid assigning many headcanon traits to dragons that we essentially don't know at all.
Please let me know if you have any feedback, lore in the "Your Result" section is incorrect, issues with the quiz, feel that a dragon is assigned to the wrong answer for a question, etc! I've never made one of these before (as you can tell by the fact that I don't know how to change the URL from the base template's to something more appropriate), it seems to work when I've tested it, but no promises.