What is this freaking movie

Been trying to find this for weeks. Watched it i believe on shudder or AMC a year or two ago. As i remember, a group of 20 somethings go to what i remember a high tech house for a getaway. Weird stuff starts happening. One scene i remember vividly is a couple goes into a room to have sex and the walls and ceiling start closing in on them until they are finally squished. However, they have doppelgängers in the house so you dont know if they really died or their doppelgänger. Another scene is they are sad because an accident inside the house killed one of their friends but then they look outside in the pool and she is swimming. Then, in the final scene, the lead actress is basically fighting her doppelgänger one on one in the house. Thats all i remember. I loved the movie and want to watch it again but cannot find it. Please help