Issues with service dept. runaround… need help
Hi all,
Long and short of it, have 2 problems with my prologue — 1) speaker vibrates on front right constantly during music, and 2) driver side mirror is “off” and makes a flapping sound starting at 25mph that becomes quite loud at 60+.
I’ve taken it in twice for these issues, among others, (front sensors go off in traffic constantly/panic brakes and car rocks back and forth a lot when coming to stop in traffic) but these were the only ones the dealer would acknowledge. Did a ride around w 2 techs about the noise from the mirror, finally had them acknowledge it. And then later that same visit they noted the speaker rattling and said they would replace it (after being explained to me I don’t understand surround sound or how a speaker makes bass… I’m an audiophile for context, so needless to say my blood pressure rose during these convo’s). He only acknowledged it when you could hear the speaker or the bracket vibrating outside the car… sounded like rattling metal coming through the door handle on bass notes only on the passenger side front door. That whole exchange was my big red flag as to be fought on something that’s easily reproducible in a 55k new car shouldn’t be an uphill battle to get fixed…
I expected them to give me a paper or something like after you usually take a vehicle in for service, but was told I was good to go and they they’d call me and update me. Well it’s been 3 weeks. I’ve called and left messages, no response. Went to pick up my plates and walked over to service dept, was told manager would call me yesterday… no call.
At my wits end here… and not really sure how to proceed? The only other Honda dealer near me is 45 minutes+ away and I don’t exactly have the free time to get them to diagnose this again.
I’m assuming there’s a corporate number I can call? Or an email? Really not sure where to start. Knew this dealer was scummy from the start but they’re the only one near me and they did admittedly give me a damn good lease deal on the car. Frustrated to say the least especially considering I do love my Prologue but this is quickly looking like my first and last Honda purchase :/