I’m lost
My flare up (in my armpit) started so small and painless, I was so hopeful it would go away because none of them were ever like that, but now it’s bigger, but not on the surface, it’s long and there’s still only a tiny bump on my armpit that is visible, does this mean it’s a deep one? Also when they become very very painful to the point you can’t move does that mean it’s going to come to a head soon? I’ve never had one come to a head, but I’ve never given it long enough before I just went to the er and had them cut it open. Will it go away on its own eventually? I hate this disease, I hate being in pain, I hate not being able to play with my toddler like I should because of this, it makes me angry and stressed out, I truly don’t think I can do this for the rest of my life. I’ve been putting Vicks, diaper cream on with some gauze, I’ve also been using witch hazel and hibiclens… I’m at the point where I just want to poke it open so I feel better… this is only day 3 of it and I’m so lost on what to do anymore