Favorite Cream/Serum to prevent flares
What cream/lotion/serum is your go to that you use daily in problem areas to prevent flares? My apologies for all the questions the past few days. But, I’m new to the sub and have already received so much helpful advice! My Hibiclens got delivered this morning from Amazon, I’m going to pickup some Dry Idea deodorant this week from one of my local Walgreens that carries it, and I went to CVS yesterday and stocked up on non stick antimicrobial seepage pads, tape for sensitive skin that actually sticks, post surgery waterproof protective bandage shields, and cushioned bandages. I’m giving up on the hydrocolloid bandages, since they always leave a large crater, and the areas seem to take much longer to heal. I already have plenty of Vaseline to use on bandaged weeping areas, and Clindamycin gel that seems to be helping on the spots I am trying to keep from erupting.