Answers from the derm after my first visit
I just got some helpful answers about my stage 1/pre stage 1 HS from my dermatologist that I wanted to share: 1. HS doesn’t always progress, in fact most of her patients stay at the same stage they started 2. She diagnosed me because of what’s called “double comedones” that are two blackheads next to each other close to the affected area 3. Waxing is okay, laser may be preferable 4. No evidence that it is an autoimmune disease that predisposes you to other autoimmune disorders 5. Dairy and hormones are definitely factors that influence flare ups. No need to completely change diet but if getting a flare up, stop dairy immediately 6. Use hibiclens every day or every other day. I told her I’ve been using finipil to moisturize which she okayed and said she may end up recommending to other patients. If flare up starts, use clindamycin lotion. Hope this helps!