Heavy developers should copy features from apps like "Lyfta"
I really, really love hevy, and I've been subscribed to hevy pro for years, however I recently found an app that beats hevy in almost everything, (it just has a less polished interface) I'm loyal to hevy and would love to continue using this app, so I'd love for hevy to be inspired by apps like these to add updates to their app.
Feature examples:
- more pre-made workouts (over 5000 workouts in lyfta)
- community workouts (share workouts between users like a forum)
- collapse and uncollapse menus for better visibility.
- using artificial intelligence to create routines with text prompts
It should be noted that I am not trying to advertise Lyfta, and I also think that the price of its subscription is excessive even though its free version has more capabilities than that of Hevy...
I appreciate everything that the developers do for this app, I hope they can take into account what I say :)