Jackie in Season 15 is Underrated
I really mean it! While I think she wasn't the best chef on the red team (especially in challenges), in general decent during dinner services and especially good for someone who only had 3 months of professional experience. Her>! last performance during the finale was exceptional, and she was the best performing chef of Ariel's team!< IMO. I know a lot of people found her attitude to be repulsive, but I actually found her to be really funny and comedic. I had many good laughs at her confessionals. Sure, she caused some friction with teammates, and I certainly did not think her ashtray dumping on Kristin was acceptable whatsoever (although that was after Kristin called her disgusting, a sack of BS and threatened to punch her in the face), but in general she made the season better and more entertaining. Does anyone agree with me?