How do you guys remember specific chefs and instances in HK so well?
Whenever anyone asks a question about examples or names specific chefs, so many people respond with specific instances, chefs, and examples from all seasons. I recently finished watching all of HK and even when I read through posts on this subreddit, I struggle to recall the contestants mentioned in the posts and comments (I have to google them to remember). So remembering examples off the top of my head when someone asks a question is far from the equation for me. I especially struggle with remembering which season a contestant is from. There are obviously some contestants like Elise, Raj, etc whose personality sets them so far apart I remember them.
I wanted to ask how everyone remembers so much from the show, especially with there bejng so many seasons and being introduced to like 16-18 people every season. This is also when very normal questions are asked, like eg. “who was underrated in your opinion” and not iconic incident related questions.
Do you remember a vague instance, then google the contestant and then get the rest of the information and then respond to the subreddit post? Or is it just at the top of your head?