Ragdoll hell pt. 2
So a while back AH fixed a bug that let helldivers survive long falls by emoting and removed the ability to emote while in mid air. Thankfully they added back our ability to stunt on the enemy with sick air time but I swear they turned up the ragdoll so we could experience this little moment more often.
But I remember when we were all sick and tired of the ragdoll being so bad it would just stun lock you into watching a cutscene of your helldiver getting thrown around like a slapstick comedy special. It was cute turning up the ragdoll so we could have some funny moments, but it’s just annoying now…again.
Bots are my favorite faction to fight against but I’ve been loathing fighting them because half the time I’m being tossed around and just have to take my hands off the controls until my helldiver finally decides to stand up.
I know AH can’t win either way as people will complain no matter what they do but what are y’alls thoughts on ragdoll lately?