Unpopular Opinion: I HATE when players go off and take out primaries, secondaries, POI’s on their own
This is a Team/Coop Game
- Why do you join a Game and play solo if you can just....host your own solo game?
-You know, there are people that are not running a one man army build right? People that are depending on teammates in some form.Talking about killing build diversity.
-(Not 100% sure about that) I think the game can handle only one frontline. So if you wander around doing solo stuff YOU might get all the action while the rest of the team plays walking simulator to press some buttons. And if you remove the big encounters the game becomes really boring.
-Maybe the host has a logical plan in mind in which order things are being done.
-YOU joined some ones game.That means YOU FOLLOW THE HOST not the other way around or at least communicate about you intentions. Sometimes it makes sense to split up, like when 2 locations are close together.
-If you want do split up in 4 directions thats fine...host a game and do all the crazy stuff you want. But don't join a game and force your solo playstyle to the rest of the team.