First Offering to Hecate

Hey, completely new here but I've decided to dig deeper and welcome Hecate into my dreams tonight. My gf (Pagan) told me that I was experiencing signs of a deity reaching out to me over the last few months, and all the signs seem to be pointing here, so tonight I've left an offering consisting of;

A pocket sized bottle of red wine
A shark tooth
A non-avian dinosaur fossil (most likely a leg or arm fragment of a theropod)
A dark sapphire
A white moonstone
A Purple Cat's Eye gemstone D20 (the 20 is replaced by a symbol of the moon, face up on top of the wine bottle)
Coffee grounds
And two pieces of chocolate.

These have been left near a window that hopefully should get a lot of moon exposure tonight. Are there any more items I should add or remove in future offerings if they are accepted/declined?