Possible Rheumatoid Symptoms

Hi everyone! I (30f) was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s in March of 2023. As of September, my TSH was down to 1.84 with the help of levothyroxine. My energy levels and most everything has mostly gone back to normal, but over the past week, my right thumb has been acting up and almost feels like it’s dislocating throughout the day (but is worst in the morning). If I compare my right thumb to my left, it is definitely bigger and feels like there’s fluid/inflamed. Joint pain was one of my biggest symptoms for Hashi’s and has gotten better, but has still not gone away completely. I know autoimmune diseases can run in pairs so I’m curious if it’s worth it to get it checked out or if anyone has any advice on what to do with it should I get the diagnosis. I used to rock climb a lot and had hoped to start climbing again now that I don’t feel like a zombie, but now I’m scared to harm my joints more.

Editing to add: I am gluten free, don’t drink alcohol, have cut back on sugar but I don’t think I could quit it or dairy entirely because I’m a big foodie and just opened a gluten-free cupcake business. (I have to be able to try my bakes.)