Do you like Pen and Paper Games? We're recruiting for a biweekly/monthly cyberpunk wuxia game!

Hey everyone,

we're a small group of three players and me as the GM. Recently we finished running a cyberpunk campaign using Genesys and have now switched to Modern AGE (with houserules). We're looking for some new players so that we can keep playing even if life gets in the way for some of us :)

Our next session is Jan 30th and we actually just started the new campaign. As in, our next session is going to be a worldbuilding session where we create our own little dystopian martial arts megacity! It's a great place for you to jump in to help create an amazing setting before we zoom down onto the rain-slick streets and start running in the shadows!

As you can tell, this is an english-speaking group and we're a pretty mixed bunch of dudes in our 20s and 30s. I'll run another mini-session 0 for all newcomers to make sure everyone feels safe and included :)

If you're still interested, here are the deets:

  • When? We always play Thursdays from 18:30 - 21:30. We try to play every other week, but sometimes stuff gets in the way and it's only once a month.
  • Next Session? January 30th!
  • What? Modern AGE with houserules. As martial arts masters you're given your own stunt list and I imported the magic rules from Blue Rose. If you're not familiar with any of that, no worries!
  • Where? In Hannover not far from the central station. Exact address will be given after we've introduced ourselves in a brief chat :)-
  • Newbie friendly? Of course! I'll happily teach you the rules and help with character creation :)