Reason I hate Lennox #9000

With the new 454b refrigerant, a few new install protocols are in place. On top of installing these ridiculous boots, we’re required to install a sensor on the inside of the coil. Which includes taking off the front panel and running a cable out the grommet on the side. Installing a new board on the duct and running the thermostat/ac controls to one side and running the other side down to the furnace. Other requirements include restricting any additional braze points 10’ away from the coil minimum. Pressure testing for 30 minutes, and vacuuming for much longer. For a new refrigerant than is very slightly more flammable than 410a

With the new 454b refrigerant, a few new install protocols are in place. On top of installing these ridiculous boots, we’re required to install a sensor on the inside of the coil. Which includes taking off the front panel and running a cable out the grommet on the side. Installing a new board on the duct and running the thermostat/ac controls to one side and running the other side down to the furnace. Other requirements include restricting any additional braze points 10’ away from the coil minimum. Pressure testing for 30 minutes, and vacuuming for much longer. For a new refrigerant than is very slightly more flammable than 410a