What do you do for personal "self care"?

Basically the title. Did a quick search and didn't find any recent posts on this topic.

What sorts of self-care activities do you do on a regular basis that improve your quality of life, especially things that would be difficult without a higher income?

Could be higher quality products, skincare, recreational activities, therapy, massages, you name it.

The ones that benefit me most are:

  1. Working with a personal trainer. There are plenty of online resources on how to train and build muscle, but having both some money on the line and someone to hold me accountable has helped me stay consistent.
  2. Relatedly, a high quality gym membership. The gym I go to has all the "bells and whistles" like cold plunge, sauna, pools, a variety classes, health spa, etc.
  3. Deep tissue massages. I get one every two weeks and they have improved my quality of life substantially. I have chronic upper back/neck/shoulder discomfort and massages have helped me more than anything by far. I've tried everything short of narcotics and nothing has come close to helping as much as massage.
  4. Seeing a dermatologist. I had mild but persistent treatment-resistant acne for most of my adult life and nothing seemed to help — no creams, antibiotics, cleansers, nothing. Finally saw a dermatologist and did a course of Accutane which was brutal in terms of side effects, but it finally cleared my skin up "permanently."
  5. EDIT: One more, and that's having a housekeeper. She comes every two weeks and it's so nice to come home from work to house that's freshly vacuumed, mopped, fresh sheets, etc.