I'm Joe Truax, r/GuyCry's very homeless (for context) founder, and this is an exchange that I had with a 19 year old meth addict I met at the library last night while working on our subreddits new bot. Darkness is covering the land right now; be the light in somebody's life, however you can be it.

He had called me after I left the library asking if he could come down and chill with me, asking if I wanted company. Of course I said yes.

The second image where I'm talking about Master P, is because he was talking about wanting to do some light criminal behavior to get by, and I very clearly made sure that he knows that I have morals, values, ethics and principles that guide my way, thus, the "Oh I believe you." Homeless or not, I'm not going to do anything that's going to get me in trouble. Well, I've used meth in the recent past; I was sleeping outside in the cold, not wanting to ask for help. A lot of people on Reddit have made me feel like I'm not worthy to be helped. I'm a recovering meth addict, and I'm not ashamed of it at all. My life has been very hard. I'm clean now though! Off of everything, including weed. What that means is that my conscience is clean now, and we can succeed here with this movement; a movement that we as a community will define here very shortly.