ANTI CHEAT IDEA(upvote so f2games sees this)

I have some ideas to stop these hackers 1.Add an anti cheat checker that checks if the game was downloaded from playstore if not, it will force to spam ads,scary images, and loud noises so f2 gets earning while the hacker loses And the hacker will be instantly ip blocked

2.a system that checks the line of code is correct or not.if not then it does the same with 1 but also spams nuclear barrel explosions in the menu bar to lag their devices

3.anti cheat that checks if the player has the creator gun but the owner deselected creator gun For non chief players(Also include fly if not chief too) punishment is same as 1

I have some ideas to stop these hackers 1.Add an anti cheat checker that checks if the game was downloaded from playstore if not, it will force to spam ads,scary images, and loud noises so f2 gets earning while the hacker loses And the hacker will be instantly ip blocked

2.a system that checks the line of code is correct or not.if not then it does the same with 1 but also spams nuclear barrel explosions in the menu bar to lag their devices

3.anti cheat that checks if the player has the creator gun but the owner deselected creator gun For non chief players(Also include fly if not chief too) punishment is same as 1