Time Froze

This happened around 2 years ago.

I had just gotten off the bus and was waiting for my light to green. I had my headphones in, I was jamming out and then the light finally turned green. None of the cars were moving so I assumed there was an ambulance. I took one of headphones out to listen but I didn't hear any sirens so I look around and not a single person or car is moving (this lasted about a minute). Finally, I figured 'fuck it, I'm gonna go' and as soon as my foot hit the pavement, everyone started moving again. The cars, the people. It was like time stopped and I got this unsettling feeling in my stomach as if they were all waiting on me to make the first move. What made it more even more unsettling was everything was quiet. You know how people say when everything goes silent in a forest or the woods, you run? It usually means something predatory is in there with you. That's what it felt like.

I still have no explanation for what happened that day.