Kraken Society as the Third Reich
My Saltmarsh campaign is placed in Forgotten Realms (players really wanted that). So instead of Keoland we have Lord's Alliance and instead of Scarlet Brotherhood we have Kraken Society. Sea Princes are still a thing, they are ex-Luskan pirate crews that formed a secret port somewhere in the Trackless Sea, because they didn't like how civilized and business-y Luskan has become in their attempts to join Alliance.
The thing is, I really liked Scarlet Brotherhood from Greyhawk, the idea of extremely violent monk nazi militaristic nation using spy networks to destroy whole nations sounds really cool. Way better than some another cultists trying to ascend their eldritch horror. However I think I can make some tweaks to it, so it becomes like a mix of Kraken cult and reich like in Greyhawk.
- Cult consists of mostly Mulan humans (this does not contradict what what we know of established members). Slarkrethel gathers Mulani assassins, spies, priests and red wizards into his cult, because they are strong and easy to manipulate. He reinforced their believes in their racial domination and promised them the world only for Mulan once he ascends to godhood.
- Eventually they conquered Purple Rocks and established there a secret regime, using other races and species as slaves, doing experiments and turning them into powerful Sahuagin or Scums. This led to Lizardfolk losing their home due to increased Sahuagin population and moving to Dunwater.
- They view other Mulani, like Thayans, as not yet enlightened brothers and sisters.
- They have the same subordination system as Scarlet Brotherhood (Father of the Deep -> Uncles/Aunties -> Brothers/Sisters -> Cousins)
- Outsiders know them as Kraken Society or Cult of the Kraken, but they call themselves Kraken Order. Outside of Purple Rocks they use their members as spies and manipulators, to weaken nearby nations and cities, like they did with Styes. But only those with Mulan blood are real Order members and only they know the truth about their mission and allowed to visit Purple Rocks.
Could this work? Are there any glaring contradictions with established lore? Would like to hear opinions about this.