You don't have to be an expert on everything

It's intellectual laziness and dishonesty to suggest experts know everything about a topic or don't get things wrong or lie.

Research and common sense exist and you don't have to be an expert to use them.

Regarding the current LA fires, the fire departments budget was cut by millions.

How can anyone genuinely say that didn't have an effect on tackling the fire? If I took away 50% of the money you earned in a year, you wouldn't be able to do as much as you could've if you did have that 50% income. This is common fucking sense, it's not debatable or a conspiracy theory.

Are people this incapable of criticizing the party they have favor towards or just can't think past a surface level on anything political?

Also stop talking about the "salt the earth" bullshit. Most people aren't talking about getting water from the ocean to use and that's just being said by trolls or ignorant people. Stop using that as an excuse to not take the valid criticism seriously of how the government made multiple mistakes regarding this fire and the response to it.

Multiple times throughout history people were screwed because they only listened to "experts." Also this ironic since many of the same people constantly criticize the police system because of bad cops.

Cops can be wrong, Doctors can be wrong, Politicians can be wrong, etc. Your title doesn't mean you know everything and only give out the best information and never make mistakes.