to the GenX kids that had barely there parents...

do your parents talk to you today as if youre still a child, teen?

Like many of us, My parents were there but not for my little brother and myself. my dad was a world traveling engineer installing high precision cutting machines; airline parts, gun companies, highly specific lenses. for example, one year he spent over 200 days at Boeing in the PNW. My mom worked for a bank and usually drank herself to sleep...

both my parents are still alive and both of them talk to me, at me as if i am a 15 yo. its more so with my father. I try to help him and he tries to tell me things as if I dont know what I am doing. for example, i was helping water plants in their greenhouses and he proceeds to chide me for not knowing how to take care of them. even though i helped his mother when my little brother and i were young, taking care of her plants and basically learning everything about gardening from her. he tried to argue as if i didnt know what i was talking about. escalating to the point where i had to remind him of how we had to work for our his parents every summer and did this type work everyday.

from using power tools, to putting on a jacket because they think its cold outside, even as much as telling me i dont know how to wash dishes. and im 51. they never talked to us about life, relationships, sex, money, anything that would have helped guide us in our formative years. it's as if they are subconsciously trying to make up for all those years of not even having simple conversations. they still wont talk about anything important as they shut up mid conversation if im within earshot.