I am OBSESSED with trading.
i’ve been at it for 6 months now. i’d be lying if i said i was consistently profitable cuz im far from it, but never in my life have i “enjoyed” failing so much. i love the process. i love the trial an error. i love when i have crazy wins. i love when i learn from my losses.
recently i’ve deviated somewhat from the things my mentor has taught me and i’ve honestly been trading better since, which is weird to think about. i kept the elements liked of his into my strategy and merged it with the way others have shown me to trade as well. really here building my own system. it makes me more confident in the process.
i love the fact that i can make thousands in a day. shit, i love that i have the ability to do it in a few minutes if a trade plays out in my favor. i cant think of one industry where you could make money this easy. not that trading is easy, but i know once i get to the point where I KNOW what i am doing, it will be easy and quick money in the comfort of where ever u r in the world.
i’ve been passionate about a lot of things in my life and ive always gotten good at every thing ive been passionate about. but not one of those previous passions made me happy to wake up early in the morning. im literally excited to wake up early to hop on the charts. im naturally a night owl.
idk man. something about trading sparks a joy in me. like i know this is what i want to do with my life n idc if it takes me 10 years to get good at it, ill keep at it. i feel like trading is the foundation to my life in a sense and im so happy i found it!
edit: trading has obviously took the joy out of some of you and i feel bad for those of you it has happened too. maybe you should find something else to do, cuz me personally, i couldnt do anything that made me feel so negative. 😂