Do you stay for kiddos surgery?

So kiddo (3F) is having surgery. And technically this isn’t in the job description of a foster parent. But Casewoker just assumed that I would be staying at the hospital for the surgery (I am). It’s not like I can sign anything even in an emergency. I just wondered if others have stayed for their kids surgery or would likely stay. She has been in my home for two years and has no contact with bio-family.

Update: thanks for replying. I think my anxiety was getting the best of me. When I wrote the post we were sitting in the waiting room while she had her surgery. It was scheduled and rescheduled and took over 6 months to get caseworker to sign the permission paperwork. And then I realized that in the event of an emergency, I can do nothing. I can’t sign any forms or give permission for them to give her Tylenol. And other caseworkers have told me to do things that are not for me to do (like deal with violent or unstable bio family) and I have done them because I am friendly and helpful. So I just wondered if this was beyond what typically foster moms would do.

Update 2: her surgery went well.