I may be overreacting, but Something my male coworker said rubbed me off the wrong way
So he and my other girl coworker were talking about his type, and he said he liked women with freckles. And my coworker pointed to me and said "what if she had freckles?" And they both started giggling and he said "even if she had freckles, I'd STILL never go for her." I get I'm not attractive (even less so at work since i don't put effort at all), but was it necessary to include my name? I was literally minding my own business and doing my work! I have low self-esteem and it made me want to lash out at him (i didn't because i know it's unreasonable). But it did bother me the whole time. It reminded me of when i was in elementary and my "pick me" girl classmate asked ny childhood bully if he had a crush on me, and he deadpanned: "ew. I'd rather die than like her."