I might just be the most unattractive person in history in like every way possible, I just want to be normal, just barely average. but im not and its bugging me.

Im a 15 year old male, I know Im young but listen my body isnt normal, Im not like other teenagers in a VERY bad way and heres why.

I have charge syndrome which is a extremely rare genetic disorder and this means i WONT go through puberty like my body is incapable of doing so. "oh just do hormone treatments" i cant. Ive gotten 12 doctors opinions and they have all told me that doing ANY type of hormone treatment will be a danger to my life because charge syndrome affects and badly damages basically every organ in the body. If that wasnt enough It also stunts growth. im 4ft 8. and im 15. im 4ft 8 at the age of 15 and there isnt anything I can do about it because i wont go through puberty. ON TOP of that, My reproductive system is useless and im not exaggerating. i have a micropenis of HALF a inch and i have azoospermia meaning i produce no sperm and im infertile. And im ugly. Im incredibly ugly.

people say to me "oh just improve yourself" "go to the gym" "focus on yourself". I try. I REALLY do try but my body is working against me because I cant gain muscle. because of charge syndrome. I cant gain any muscle no matter how hard I try and again Im not exaggerating no matter how hard I try it is physically not possible for me to gain muscle so i cant get a good physique and i gain fat VERY easily as well as losing fat VERY hard, harder than normal.

I cant focus on myself, make myself look my best either because I have two crowns on my head which means my hair grows in two different directions making it VERY hard to style. I cant even make my skin nice because my skin is incredibly dry and susceptible to getting blackheads and whiteheads because my skin is very oily.

So im: 4ft 8, I cant go through puberty, i cant do hormone treatment, I have a micropenis, I have azoospermia, I gain fat very quickly and losing it is harder than normal, I have oily skin, I cant style my hair because of having two crowns, oh and im deaf so I need hearing aids and I have a eye condition where one of my eyes is near sighted and the other is far sighted so I need glasses too.

there are short people with relationships, people with micropenis have relationships, ugly people have relationships yes. I know that and I understand that but tell me. WHO wants a ugly 4ft 8 dwarf who cant go through puberty and has a micropenis. everything combined plus 20+ other conditions.

while others have lost their V card, had their first kiss, had 2-3 relationships at 13-14 I havent even HAD a kiss yet. I truly feel like everyone has a better life than me, at least they have a relationship. at least they can love someone. a ounce of love is all I want. I might be the most forever alone person here and its probably true.