Trump always plays the victim
How can Americans support this victim? He is the classic victim stereotype, everything is unfair to him. Is he 3? Who said shit was fair? He claims to be a victim from the justice system, the fake news, the dems. Everyone is against him and it is so unfair. Like wtf America, he is a spineless little whiner crybaby. You think this is a tough guy? He is the weakest president in the history of the US. He cries about being the victim every time he speaks. He lies about how much of a victim he is. He whines about being treated unfairly. How are any of you looking his actions are good for your country. Your are undeniably the laughing stock of the planet right now. He plays the victim at every opportunity, is that the art of the deal, whine and make them feel bad for you? Name any president dem or republican that whined or ever played the victim before? Not a very tough guy move. More like the whiny 11 year old who isn't getting ice cream.