Becoming Resentful Of My Allergies
My allergies to peanuts and tree nuts (as well as shellfish) started at the age of 3, which happened to be in the late 90's. Growing up, I never felt like I was missing out on much. My family handled it kindly, my friends treated it with respect, and with the exception of mild bullying in middle school for wearing my Epi-Pens in a fanny pack, I haven't had too hard of a time convincing people around me its something to take seriously. Its been a fine journey throughout my entire life. Until recently...
Now that I'm 30, I've become very resentful of my allergies. For instance, I can't go out to eat at the restaurants my friends are always eating at, which are typically sushi or ramen spots. 9/10 times I avoid eating at restaurants in general due to an inherent fear that's been instilled in me my entire life. And although I'm working to get over it, and succeeding with the help of my wonderful and patient girlfriend, its always an uphill battle through panic attacks and anxiety.
With that being said, the moments where I know for a fact I cannot eat at places, especially in moments of celebration, have now begun to anger me. I now look at invites to dinners as more daunting than celebratory. Because I now feel the weight of my own lack of participation, and the celebratory action of dining together and feeling the warmth amongst the table. I used to be able to sit patiently without a worry or bubbling emotion - it was my cross to carry, and I was fine. But now, as I grow older and value my time with a bit more hindsight from my past, it's become heavy and difficult.
The times I've missed out on tasting my friends food they have on the stove because I "just don't wanna risk it!", or even ask them for some sweeping run down of ingredients and whether or not they may have cross contamination in their own kitchen, or the times I've sat hungry in a restaurant because I'm too afraid to have faith in a random kitchen staff, or, in the case that I do, just don't feel like having a panic attack for a couple hours - it has all left me furious.
How many parties have I gone to where I avoided snacks and a charcuterie board? How many times have I gone to the bathroom and talked myself down from a panic attack, looking in the mirror every ten minutes on a timer and telling myself "there are no hives, your tongue isnt swelling - you're okay" all because I thought a beer tasted a little funny that night.
I'm just so tired of it all. I'm tired of the conversations I have to have with people about why I'm not eating. I'm tired of prefacing any of it at all. I'm tired of the fake sympathy people give me after I do, or the "hey Mike isn't eating because he has allergies!" that I overhear from time to time. I'm tired of carrying around my fucking Epi-Pens in my jacket pocket, and the tiny vile of Benadryl that I pair with it "just incase I feel funny - I can just take these". And most of all, I'm tired of fucking MISSING OUT.
Life rules. Anger is an emotion I very rarely feel. My life is lived extremely calmly and patiently, with an enormous outpouring of love in all directions, both coming and going. My girlfriend has been such a gift regarding this topic, with limitless compassion and action, and my friends have been nothing but understanding my entire life. But in my adult age, I've just become tired of the topic. The burden has only become heavier as the days go by.
End Rant. Hope y'all feel me. <3