Undeserved Reputation

This is gonna be a post to vent but I'm also curious if anyone else has gone had a similar experience in the fire service.

I'm in a big city department. I've been on the job for a little over a year and I love it. However, the hardest party of my job is the way I've been treated in the "brotherhood" by many of my coworkers.

My probationary period was at the slowest house in our department, and I didn't get the proper experience. Then for some reason admin put me on a rescue squad right after I got my badge, which is usually reserved for 8 year+ guys. I made my inexperience clear to my boss and crew from day one, and said I will do my best and always put in effort. I put my best foot forward every day. I cleaned the house throughly in the morning, helped cook, did every incident report, raised and lowered the flag, did all of the dishes, and did everything else I could to contribute to the house. I also did my best on any and all scenes we had.

It was NEVER good enough.

Whether it was due to me being new, or some gaffes that occurred from my inexperience, I could tell the two other deckies on my shift decided they couldn't stand me. (My boss didn't seem to have a problem with me however) After 3 months I was able to transfer houses, but it didn't end there.

I found out someone at my old station called the new house I was going to to 'warn' them about me. I decided to not make a big deal out of it and would just prove myself to my new coworkers. I just knew I was in for an uphill battle now. So, I did all the checksheets in the morning, cleaned, did all the dishes, did all the incident reports, did all pre-fire inspection reports, washed the rig in the morning (even though that's the FEOs job in our department), and even made makeshift rollers for the new type of toilet paper the city is providing. I've been at this station for 4 months and thought everything was going well. That is, until my last shift the FEO decided to accuse me of being lazy and never doing anything around the firehouse that they ask me to do or otherwise. I couldn't stand hearing that anymore, and kinda lost my shit. I do more around that Firehouse than anyone else. We got into a verbal altercation and I'm not particularly proud of it but needed to stand up for myself. Because this altercation occurred around shift change, the lieutenant on the next shift witnessed part of it. He actually took my side for the most part which was good. However, I know how reputation spreads around our department, and now I'm worried about mine and being accused of being lazy, which I am absolutely not. What can I do about this? Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you for reading my long post.