Looking for success stories from women who out earn their male partner

I've had a series of really crappy relationships - 35 female - and I met a really nice guy who is completely enamored with me and we share a lot of the same values and morals and he's super smart and ...he's also in a wheelchair and on a fixed income (SSDI/Medicare).

I'm already on the fire path so one small part of my brain is like "oh - he gets 30K guaranteed a year plus a COLA and Medicare? Solid income stream. If I brought my planned FIRE # of $40 - 50,000 to the table we could have an $80,000 life". And on the other side of my brain (which is way more conditioned by capitalism and patriarchy) I'm like "oh you're only ever going to make 30,000 a year? I wonder if I could find someone better" with more earning potential.

Do any women on this sub have a fixed income partner who could weigh in on how their life looks? Financial security is super important to me but also so is finding love and a partner.... Usually I'm only ever reading stories about people with both partners with high incomes on the fire path or with a man who has a high salary and the woman is like at 40,000 and no one seems to care. I wanted to check with this community for reverse stories because I don't know any. I'm also child-free and so is he and we're both fixed so child rearing is not in the cards or an issue for us. Marriage isn't necessary to us either - we could go either way on it.

Tldr I'm looking for success stories from women who are the higher earning partner in their relationship because no one in my network that I'm a familiar with is a higher earning woman than her man.

Edited to add - This is not about disability or about him being in a wheelchair. This is about income disparity. So many people fixating on the disability component of this. I only mention the disability as that is the source of his fixed income. Disability makes people real weird...and this has been such a good learning journey for me on what I can expect to navigate as my relationship with him continues to grow and evolve. Pretend for the course of this thought exercise that he has a pension or whatever makes you feel better.