To the married people on here: how combined are your finances
Edit: wow, I didn't expect anywhere near this many responses. To the people I interacted with: thank you. Beyond finances you've given me a lot to think about in my own life (job, relationship, etc.)
To the people who offered me financial advice and shared resources: thank you! I'll be moving away from my FA in the next few weeks and reading the books you have all sent. I appreciate it.
To everyone else who responded: it's clear the common theme here is communication. It's given me a lot to think about with my own relationship.
To the one snarky dude: I'm glad you're content with yourself financially, but based on your responses and post history, I doubt FI will bring you happiness. I suggested looking inward.
I don't make much money but have 350 auto deposited into a brokerage account every month run by a financial manager (best friends brother in law). He's a good guy, I trust him, things are rising (though not as much as I'd like), but still reasonably. My Roth only has 6.6k (I only worked in the US one year and the last ten years I've had an feie) and I don't have a 401k.
Anyways, that's besides the point.
This sub started getting recommended to me and I've been following it and one thing I've noticed is that a lot of the posts use "I" and don't mention a spouse. As in "I finally hit my goal. I'm retiring." I'm specifically referring to posts by people who mention having a spouse somewhere else in the post.
So, my question is, how do you and your spouse make your goals together? How do you decide which gets to retire, or do you both do it at the same time? Basically, what are some of the nuances of preparing for FIRE with a spouse?