[SPOILER] FFVII Rebirth almost one year later. How do you feel about it?
Being totally honest, it was my GOTY last year. Still one of my favorite games of all time most likely, though the original PS1 game will still always be my favorite.
However, after beating the game I remember coming here to share my excitement and man, there was a good chunk of upset people about one thing or another. Like veins popping out of their head mad. Some about mini-games, some about the ending, etc. I had to take a break from the sub because it was a buzzkill.
That's not to say the game can't be critiqued, that's part of why I walked away because I can get passionate and I just wanted to enjoy my thing lol. And it's fine for people to critique the game.
So I'm curious, a almost a year later, what are your thoughts? Do you hate it? If you were like me do you still like it? If you hated it, has your opinion softened? I guess I'm just trying to see what the temperature of the water is lol