Is the iPhone 13 Mini still the best resolution to design for?
With all of the recent updates to both the standard class of iPhones, the discontinuation of the mini years ago, and the fact that the vast majority of android devices are larger - is this still the preferred resolution?
Many times my copy writer makes adjustments to our comps that end up resulting in widows on iPhone 14 and greater. I can’t keep tabs on all of the work we do here because it’s a large amount of real estate. This got me wondering if this is still the preferred resolution knowing what we do today about devices in the market.
This comment is in regard to North America and potentially Europe. I’m not concerned with Asia or South America.
[edit] just want to be clear that I have been designing at W375 for many years now. Just checking in to see if this is still the preferred resolution to enforce my team to adhere to.
[edit 2 sorry!] if the vast majority of devices are 390 and greater, and the argument for 375 is that auto layout should address issues around prototyping or on device mirroring, why then can you not argue that auto layout would allow you to view it smaller (375) when needed. Thus allowing designers to build screens starting with the most common resolution width?