where do I go from here?

I've had this umbellata for a few years now. Did really well inside until I potted it up, then it dropped every leaf. Put it outside for spring 2023 and it grew leaves back, got nice and tall, then in spring and summer 2024 when I put it outside it held on to water for way longer than I anticipated every time I watered it, causing a lot of lower leaves to drop. Since bringing it in for winter '24-'25, it has slowly dropped more and is hinging on the top three.

My question: should I notch it? I feel like it'll drop every leaf again before spring, and it'll look so so so awkward if I put a big stick out on the patio. I like how tall it is, so I don't wanna chop off the top. Notching would probably work, but when to to do? Any advice?