Why don’t I know?

I am a 33 year old female, married to my husband. I have been ambivalent about having kids my entire life. I babysat a lot as a teenager and was good at it; I’m not crazy about kids but I don’t dislike them either. They’re cute and a lot of them are fun. I just have no idea still if I want children of my own. When I was 23, 10 years ago, I was sure that in a decade I would know if I would want to have a child, and I still have no idea. Should I just go for it, at this point, while my biological window is still open? I guess I just thought by 33 I would feel strongly about it one way or another. My husband wants kids if I want them, but doesn’t want them if I don’t, so at the end of the day, I need to make a decision here. I’m struggling because honestly I see the advantages of both sides - having a child-free life and the joys of having a kid or two.