What ingredient/ note in this perfume could make someone feel very sick? (Milk - Commodity)

By all accounts, this perfume should be for me. It matches my preferred scent family perfectly, and has lovely reviews for the most part. I’ve seen people describe it as “the most delicious warm vanilla” and “vanilla marshmallow in a bottle.” I ended up getting a small rollerball in a deluxe sampler and was very excited to try it, but was absolutely not prepared for the reaction my body had to it. As soon as I sprayed it, I had a physical gag reflex for the first time ever smelling a perfume. It was such a weird reaction that I sprayed it again just to be sure and same thing. I gave it about 2 minutes and smelled my arm again, and literally physically wretched to the point where I got sick. I couldn’t scrub it off fast enough. I have never experienced this before in my life and I have smelled some very strong and unpleasant perfumes. Does anyone know what could’ve happened here? I don’t get any kind of sweet or vanilla scent, just something very, very bitter. A google search showed that it’s happened to other people with this specific scent, but none of the comments identified what caused this. Is it the milk? I just want to avoid whatever ingredient made me feel this way. Any help appreciated! Thanks :)