Do you pick your office scent based on what your colleagues are wearing?
Preface: I don't want to turn this into a discussion about overspraying. In my country - at least in this city - strong scents have become very popular. If I walk about the city for half an hour, I'll pass at least 5 people (men and women) whom I can smell distinctly. I don't care. Few people care.
I took a great deal of care picking an office scent that won't be too distracting, since I share space with 5 other people. But two of my colleagues wear rather strong parfumes (I'd say one is D&G Devotion, the other is something vanilla-y - think Bianco Latte). Like both parfumes but it makes me a bit jealous. I also want to just wear my favorites that are a bit stronger. But I'm worried that I'll be the kne to tip the balance into "too much, too confusing".
So to those who don't mind spraying a bit more - Would you risk it?