Books about crafters and/or merchants in fantasy?
I’m looking for books about crafters and / or mercantile characters. All kinds of crafters, artisans, or other business focused individuals I suppose.
I’ve grown tired of reading about rangers, thieves, warriors, paladins, etc.
I’ve read a LOT of indie stories, and as many more conventionally ‘professional’ stories as I could find.
I’d like to hopefully find some series that have a focus on crafting, building a business, some political intrigue, and not a lot of focus on fighting. Though fighting is fine, for example, if a herbalist / alchemist has to explore dangerous places to find ingredients, using their potions and alchemical weapons to keep themselves safe.
If anyone knows of the Atelier series of video games, something kinda like those would be the most ideal stories I’m looking for.
I’m not really looking for any manga/comics as I primarily read novels through audible, and kindle with text-to-speech. Which makes those formats not ideal.