Looking for more dark YA!
Hi, I'm looking for more dark fantasy books with YA characters (doesn't have to be YA in theme or complexity). Something with some combat and suffering and gore. The darker the better. Well written female characters are a huge plus.
Some books I've read in a similar vein:
The Book of the Ancestor (starting with Red Sister) - ❤️❤️❤️ loved it. I want more books like this, basically. This level of violence or higher
Fourth Wing - 🫤 didn't love this. It was okay, the action sequences were pretty good, but there was too much romance and I didn't think the writing was very good
House of Hollow - ❤️ liked this a lot. Less combat focused but had some great body horror
Mistborn - 👍 Liked it (not sure it's really YA besides Vin), good story and action but preferably looking for something more violent/gory