Most Overrated/Underrated Units
Curious to see if there's any thoughts on the units that this subreddit Over/Under Values. I have my own perceptions of things, but this might be a good chance to shine some light on certain characters and knock others down a peg.
Overrated: (EDIT: This doesn't mean I think she's bad) Sylvie. She's an AMAZING unit but people talk about her like she broke the game. She does a TON for comps and the game, and I'm not saying she's wasn't a must-pull, but I think the way the conversations have flown put her in a godlike tier that I just haven't seen or needed (I own two of her believe it or not).
Underrated: Ellesperis. I thought this was a semi-throwaway unit, but she's REALLY easily geared to be uber powerful without the normal BiS equipment (so it's easier to pair her with units that DO need the BiS gear) and she has multiple really helpful imbues that have done wonders for my Trials and Events (Dark and Ice in particular) while also having Demon/Human Killer abilities as well. For those wondering I have her geared with a Katana setup with gear and abilities that give bonuses to Katana usage.