Coming to terms; success story?

One thing I have noticed not only in this subreddit but many subreddits where people talk about health related issues is the lack of “success stories”. I like many people go to Reddit immediately due to health anxiety and look to see what others dealing with it have to say. Most of what you see are people saying how bad it is and how they are depressed because they have it. What you don’t see are many people saying it will get better and that’s probably due to once you get better you won’t frequent a subreddit talking about it.

After about 9 months I thought I would come back and tell you it does get better. I am a 23M, healthy, fit, no eye issues ever in my life, when I started seeing floaters it destroyed me. I couldn’t wrap my head around it why this was happening to me and there was no solution for it to stop. Every where I went I could see them, I couldn’t escape them. Everyone on the subreddit was saying the same things. I would please advise everyone dealing with this to get off this subreddit. It’s not good for your mental health to be in a panicked state about dealing with something and reading about other people also panicked that they will never get better.

I’ll be the first to tell you honestly, there is not a day that goes by that I don’t see my floaters. But it’s okay. I promise you. Just keep living life, doing the things you love. They don’t hurt. They are just a tad distracting from time to time. I personally was devastated when I had gotten them. I am an avid outdoorsman, and a personal favorite activity of mine was reading outside. After trying to the first month I found it too overwhelming that I thought I’d never be able to read outside again. And I just spent this past week on a tropical island where I read 500 pages on the beach in the sun. It’s not that I didn’t see them. You just don’t care about them eventually. And when you don’t care about them, you hardly even see them. Yeah from time to time I’d see one dart across the page but it wasn’t anything new from the past 9 months where I had seen them.

You will get better, I’m not here to tell you to stop thinking about them. I know you can’t, from personal experience. Just try to not let it bring you down so much. Keep doing the things you love. Over time you just won’t be bothered anymore.