Does it get easier?
My daughter isn’t even 2 weeks old yet and I already feel like I’m going insane with pumping. She’s having trouble latching and will probably need OT to help make that happen, so in the meantime I’m exclusively pumping and combo feeding with formula since my supply isn’t up to her demand yet.
The every 3 hrs of feeding, pumping, and changing feels endless mostly because of the pumping. My husband has been great about helping to handle the feeding and changing a lot of times so I can pump simultaneously, but he’ll be going back to work eventually.
How do you handle pumping when your LO starts crying or needs something? I can’t pick her up with my Spectra S1 attached to me and I panic. Does the schedule get easier to manage? I’m trying to set realistic expectations that she may never latch and I’ll be exclusively pumping long term. Is buying a wearable pump better for these situations?