Want to switch to exclusive pumping. Need help!

Sorry but long post ahead!

Gave birth to LO 6 weeks ago. I’ve been attempting to breastfeed ever since. My supply is good on the left breast and meh on the right. LO does not latch well (she’ll latch on the left and drink but not efficiently. She struggles to latch on the right) and ends up falling asleep at the breast a lot and has been slow to gain weight (yes we’ve tried all the techniques under the sun to keep her awake). It took her 4+ weeks to regain birth weight and she’s only gained about 8oz since then. We saw a LC and she diagnosed a tongue tie so we got that corrected but she’s just not latching long enough or efficiently enough to transfer milk in a normal amount of time. I just spent 6 hours getting her to latch and she drank some but was still hungry afterwards and I ended up giving her a pumped oz and she’s finally sleeping.

This is obviously not sustainable and I go back to work in 2 weeks so I cannot spend 6 hours getting her to take 2oz of milk. So I’ve decided to start exclusively pumping.

I need lots of help. What do I do now? How I begin pumping routines so that I can increase my supply.

I did a bottle/pumping test for 24 hours where I pumped every time she fed from a bottle. She drank about 18.5oz of pumped milk in 24 hours and I pumped about 23oz of breastmilk in that time. So I’m making just enough for her current needs.

But now I’ve decided that since she’s spending more energy at the breast and not adequately drinking, I want to exclusively pump. Can someone please give me a routine and ways that I can increase my supply? My left breast often produces more than double of my right breast. my right mostly produces around 0.5oz in a 20 minute pump session where my left can produce 2+oz in the same time.

I want to increase supply on the right and I want to exclusively pump so I can give my LO as much breastmilk as she needs without my supply dropping.

My mother and sister keep saying if I don’t bring baby to breast then my supply will dry up. Is this true? If not, what can I do to ensure it doesn’t happen?

Please help a desperate sleep deprived at her wits end mom!

Thank you so much!