What's YOUR favorite thing to do in EVE?

This question has probably been asked a MILLION times, but I LOVE hearing how people go about their ways when it comes to EVE. I've always been intrigued by those who are hardcore into the game and always have been a fan of their thought process when it comes to the game itself. My question to you is this. What is your main thing to do in EVE?

Is it undocking and hunting for PvP?

Maybe you just log in to go do some data sites, etc.

Are you the type to log in and just grind for sweet ISK while just resource mining?

Let me know! I've always been a fan of those who enjoy the game and what brings you together as a community.

For me I'll say my FAVORITE thing to do is honestly just do data sites and much more to get things for BPs and store them away. Also LOVE to just Belt mine when needed. I strive to produce as much as I can when it comes to the market, corps, players, etc. You need something mined and don't want to do it yourself? I've always been that guy! Love yall and god bless! :)