What have people who are NOT qualified to diagnose/assess you told you about your epilepsy?

Today I went to the ER for a seperate reason to my seizures and a social worker took one look at me and said slowly in a condescending tone while leaning in towards me (as if I’d have trouble understanding) “You do not have epilepsy/seizures. You are autistic and have autistic sensory overload-based meltdowns and throw *tantrums” I was so shocked. I am not diagnosed with autism by the way. I truly feel for how both epilepsy/seizures and autism are perceived so wrongly and stereotypically.

Well that’s mine, what’s yours haha.

Best wishes to everyone 🫂

  • just want to clarify that Autistics/Autistic People don’t decide on a whim to “throw tantrums” in regards to “autistic meltdowns”, not even close. Autistic “meltdowns” can occur for a range of reasons. All of them individual for each person and never a choice. This individual was grossly misinformed and was old enough to be an old guard of the “dumb disability” days where they thought that everyone with disabilities were simply of low IQ or of poor character. We know better now as a society but this generation of practitioners of care certainly poison the water for future progress.