Do we agree Circe was not justified?

I saw some people defending her actions, saying that she did nothing wrong or that she was justified. Because of that I wanted to bring this topic.

For me she is not justified.

Circe was understandable, I can definitively see why she did what she did, but I don't think her actions are right. Ody's crew is probably not the first ones to be turned into pigs without doing anything.

If I'm a woman that lives in an isolated, if I was SAd one time I can't kill every man I see who is walking. I can be cautious and not letting them enter my house or threaten to kill them, but inviting the man inside my house just for me to modify their bodys in a slowly way and most likely kill them later, pass the limits of reasonable on protecting myself.

Think about yourself on the place of the men, she does not only kill, she transform your entire body against your consent in a slowly way, and now for the rest of your life you will be not only stuck in this island, but stuck in this body, not knowing if the next day is the one you will be eaten/killed, or hoping for that day to come.

Also about being understandable but not justified, I'll give an example. Anyone on Calypso's place would go insane from isolation and do the same as her, this does not mean it's justified and her actions are still wrong.

You can understand why she did it, does not mean is excusable. Without even counting the Ody part where she literally cast a spell that was only broke by his love for Penelope, as she probably touched him under the influence of the spell and after telling it was the only way to save his men (I personally would count that as SH since Odysseus didn't step away or denied because of the spell and the threat). Just because her intention was kill instead of sleep, for Odysseus it affected the same as she was trying to coerce him to sleep with her but he rejected it.

In the end she helps Odysseus, but it does not mean her actions weren't wrong or that she was justified. Not saying you should hate her and she is the worst, I like her character, I understand completely why she does that. I just think people keep thinking that just because something was understandable means that it was not wrong to do when it is a character they like.

What do you think?