Does raspberry leaf tea actually help anyone?

Backstory: I originally had my lap due to infertility concerns and was hoping the surgery would help that. I’ve always had painful cycles and as I grew older, my periods were actually the easier days in my cycle with ovulation pains hurting the most but I grew up being told there was nothing that could be done for it so I just dealt with it. Once I found out I could have surgery to try and fix it and it might help with our fertility issues so I jumped at the opportunity. I’m currently 6 months post lap, and my doctor mentioned the possibility of a second surgery due to me being in more pain now than I was 9 months ago when we started this.

She put me on low dose of norenthridone for the mean time (I can’t see a fertility specialist for a few months so I figured taking a few months off TTC might be good for my mental health if it means I’m not in constant pain) but I’m so over the pain I’m wanting to try anything. I’m on cycle day 8, I stopped bleeding cd6, and the ONLY day I haven’t been in pain is cd6 so I’m already DREADING this cycle knowing that this would typically be the easiest days.

The main point of this post: I HATE tea. It’s dirty leaf water to me but I forced myself to give it a try last night when I was crying in pain and I don’t think it did anything. Pain killers typically don’t do anything for me. Heat pads kind of help, the only relief I find is from a hot bath and even that is incredibly temporary (like first five minutes). Sleeping is my main solution but there’s times like last night where it feels impossible to not only fall asleep but stay asleep as well.