Extruder stops rising mid print?

Anyone have any suggestions about this? I've had two prints so far that have had this issue. They're big prints, and they start out just fine. They get to a certain point, though, where the extruder seems to stop rising. So, it tries to print several layers over top of each other.

For example, the first print that did this was supposed to be a mini trash bucket. It's supposed to have a steady angle to the sides, without any "steps". I just left it when I went to work, so I wasn't watching it print the whole time (It took about 30 hours). When it finally finished, I went to check on it, and it looked like this:


So, that didn't work out.

The next thing I tried printing is a box that I can use as a telemprompter, with two phones. There's a slot running diagonally inside for a pane of plexiglass to go in, but when I went to check on it, about 60% of the way through, I saw that the same thing had happened. A bunch of layers mushed together, so now there's a "step" in the slot, meaning I can't put the pane of glass in.


I also noticed that the gears that feed in the filament had some kind of of debris over top of it. I'm not sure where this came from, maybe shavings off the plastic itself? There doesn't seem to be any damage to any part of the printer, that I can see.


I'm hoping you all have some advice for me. I'm not sure what information you'd need. I'm using an Ender 3 Pro, with a Creality CR Touch to help with bed leveling. I'm also running the Marlin firmware (I think, I'm not very good at all the programming, so I was just following tutorials to get the CR Touch working).

I can provide the gcode files that I'm using to print, if necessary.

Thanks in advance!